Best courses to excel in your forex trading career 

If you want to excel in your career in forex trading, then this article will help you get started. You can trade from anywhere in the world and learning online is straightforward. Whether you’re in London or New York, Paris or Tokyo, any place is the best place to learn more and excel in your […]

Importance of trade history analysis in FX trading 

Forex traders must be aware of trade history analysis when trading currencies. By studying past trades, traders can identify good patterns and trends to help them make more informed decisions when placing new trades. Additionally, by analysing a currency’s trade history, traders can better understand how that currency is likely to behave in the future. […]

What is forex, and how does it work? 

Are you curious about forex and how it works? Here, we’ll provide a basic overview of forex, its benefits, and trading currencies’ benefits. Forex is the world’s largest financial market, with more than $5 trillion in daily transactions. Transactions between large financial institutions, central banks, corporations or private investors can occur.  Forex is a global […]

Simple tips to yield success in currency ETF trading 

Forex traders must always be aware of the risks and rewards associated with each type of investment. It is especially true when choosing the right exchange-traded fund (ETF) for their portfolio. Knowing which is best suited to your investment goals can be challenging with so many currency ETFs available. Taking the time to fully comprehend […]

What Forex Trading Platform Uses Blockchain?

Greetings, fellow traders! In the ever-evolving world of forex trading, new technologies continue to emerge, aiming to revolutionize the way we trade and conduct transactions. One such technology that has gained significant attention is blockchain. Known for its decentralized and transparent nature, blockchain has found its way into various industries, including finance. But what about […]

What Is a Fractional Pip in Forex?

In forex trading, understanding the concept of a pip is essential. A pip, which stands for “percentage in point” or “price interest point,” represents the smallest unit of price movement for currency pairs. However, in some cases, forex brokers quote currency pairs to an extra decimal place, allowing for more precise pricing. This fractional movement […]

Are ETFs suitable for beginners?

There is no doubt that Exchange-Traded Funds, or ETFs, have become a popular investment choice for experienced and beginner traders. But are they suitable for beginners? We will look at what ETFs are, how they work and whether or not they are the right investment choice for you if you are just starting out trading. […]